Halloween Week - Wear your costumes to Stage & LD Division (Rec) classes!
Good morning, everyone!
This week, Oct 24-27, we have a fun Halloween themed week during our classes (for competition groups, wear to Stage classes, only).
Miss Steph always has fun activities in store during Ballet stage classes - Halloween Party!!
A few things to be mindful of:
Please make sure that your dancer is able to move freely and comfortably in his/her costume and can do steps that s/he usually does in class
Dancers do not need to wear costumes, we respect that some people do not do Halloween 🙂
Please ensure that your costumes are Family-friendly (nothing violent or sexual).

Photo: AcroDance "Arachnophobia" 2015-16
Halloween Monday, October 31
Classes are cancelled on this day due to historically low attendance and families expressing a preference not to have classes on this night.
We hope that everyone has a fun and safe Halloween night!
Yours in Dance,
Miss Heather Ksyniuk